Beautiful Lengths

Ann and I decided to grow our hair out and donate it to an organization that makes wigs for women and children. After doing a good deal of research, we decided to go with Pantene's Beautiful Lengths.

Every year, the mother ship holds a Christmas Tea. She invites all the family friends (girls only, of course) and we eat lots of homemade cookies and other fun dishes that the mother ship makes. The morning before the Tea is always hectic. Ann and I make at least 14 trips to the grocery store to pick up all the miscellaneous items the mother ship forgets and then there's the cleaning and the last minute finishing touches to the favors. This year was equally as hectic.

Ann and I were anxious to get our hair cut but we weren't able to schedule an appointment with our favorite hair dresser, Danny, at Rumor's in Binghamton. The morning of the Tea, Danny called to tell us he could squeeze us in an hour before the Tea started. We immediately took him up on it...and made the mother ship and the father come with us.

Danny is a very patient man. His salon was transformed by the tornado that was the Connelly family.

The BEFORE shot:

Danny puts in the pigtails:

The mother ship documents everything:


Oh my gosh, oh my gosh:

Really, you are going to chop off all that hair:

All for a great cause!!

And it will grow back! :)