Don't Mess with Tradition

Every year St. Michael's Church in Binghamton, NY has a fundraiser during lent. They make and sell potato and cabbage pierogi's. When I say that I look forward to this all year I am not exaggerating. They happen to be the most delicious pierogi's around, even Mrs. T (yes, that one) agrees with me. See for yourself here: That's right, Mrs T's named Binghamton, NY the Pierogi pocket of America! I do have to say, it's about time...I've known about this little treasure for a looooong time. Albeit a little late, here are some of the snapshots from my lunch at St. Michael's.

Our orders (this was just for eat-in, we picked up our take-out later)

Hard at work (even the Mayor was helping out!)

I'll take the lot...

No, I did not eat my entire dozen but I could have had I not given in to self restraint.

gasp, glad we saw this sign on the way out!!!