Summer Birthday Girl Gift Guide

1 I've been thinking a lot about the chemicals in my skin care products lately. I'd love to experiment with more natural items and I'm very interested in trying this brand!
  2 We joined a CSA this Summer (more on that later). For our weekly pick-ups and farmer's market trips this bag would be great! 
 3 I've always loved yoga but never made it a part of my daily routine. This mat won't make me get to class more often but when I do it would be a lot prettier!! 
  4 Sweet scallops and tough leather - 'nough said.
 5 Comfy flats are a must! Espadrilles are not always my favorite but these I'm loving!
  6 My hatred for shorts is over! I have never, ever been a shorts girl. For some reason I'm totally loving them this year and can't get enough. How cute are these?!